In this demonstration file, we show how to reduce a graph using the GSPBox. Then we apply the pyramid to a simple signal.
The function gsp_graph_multiresolution computes the graph pyramid for you:
param.sparsify = 1; Gs = gsp_graph_multiresolution(G, Nlevel,param);
Gs is a cell array of graph representing the pyramid of graphs. Here all optional parameter are important:
Let's display the results:
figure; for ii = 1:numel(Gs) subplot(2,3,ii) gsp_plot_graph(Gs{ii}) title(['Reduction level: ', num2str(ii-1)]); end
Now that we have precomputed the pyramid of graphs, we can apply it to a signal. Here we create a signal that is smooth over the graph but with a big discontinuity in the middle
The graph pyramid can be simply applied thanks to the function gsp_pyramid_analysis:
ca contains the coarse approximation of each level and pe the prediction errors. Let's display them:
figure paramplot.show_edges = 0; for ii = 1:numel(Gs) subplot(2,3,ii) gsp_plot_signal(Gs{ii},pe{ii},paramplot); title(['P. E. level: ', num2str(ii-1)]); end figure for ii = 1:numel(Gs) subplot(2,3,ii) gsp_plot_signal(Gs{ii},ca{ii},paramplot) title(['C. A. level: ', num2str(ii-1)]); end
Finally, you can perform a synthesis operation using the function gsp_pyramid_synthesis
coeff = gsp_pyramid_cell2coeff(ca,pe); f_pred = gsp_pyramid_synthesis(Gs,coeff);
The function gsp_pyramid_cell2coeff remove all unecessary coefficients and keep only the last sublevel and the prediction error.
This code produces the following output:
The relative reconstruction error is : 1.64455e-15