DEMO_SDMM - Example of use of the sdmm solver


We present an example of the solver through an image denoising problem. We express the problem cas

\begin{equation*} arg \min_x \|x-b\|_2^2 + \tau_1 \|y\|_{TV} + \tau_2 \|H(z)\|_1 \hspace{1cm} such \hspace{0.25cm} that \hspace{1cm} x = y = Hz \end{equation*}

Where b is the degraded image, \(\tau_1\) and \(\tau_2\) two real positive constant and H a linear operator on x. H is a wavelet operator. We set:

  • \(g_1(x)=||x||_{TV}\) We define the prox of \(g_1\) as:

    \begin{equation*} prox_{f1,\gamma} (z) = arg \min_{x} \frac{1}{2} \|x-z\|_2^2 + \gamma \|z\|_{TV} \end{equation*}
  • \(g_2(x)=||H(x)||_1\) We define the prox of \(g_2\) as:

    \begin{equation*} prox_{f1,\gamma} (z) = arg \min_{x} \frac{1}{2} \|x-z\|_2^2 + \|H(z)\|_1 \end{equation*}
  • \(f(x)=||x-b||_2^2\) We define the gradient as:

    \begin{equation*} \nabla_f(x) = 2 (x-b) \end{equation*}



Original image

This figure shows the original image (The cameraman).

Depleted image

This figure shows the image after addition of the noise

Reconstruted image

This figure shows the reconstructed image thanks to the algorithm.

The rwt toolbox is needed to run this demo.

This code produces the following output:

UnLocBoX version 1.7.3. Copyright 2012-2015 LTS2-EPFL, by Nathanael Perraudin
Algorithm selected: SDMM
Iter 001:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 7.356471e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.563990e+04, rel_obj = 9.661959e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 1.711176e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 6.100666e-01
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.000000e+00
Iter 002:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 9.713671e+02, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 9.142331e+03, rel_obj = 9.572185e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 21
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 1.724227e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.629779e-01
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.205978e+00
Iter 003:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.007596e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 6.967372e+03, rel_obj = 8.852838e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 24
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 2.120895e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 9.238560e-02
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 6.078933e-01
Iter 004:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.246376e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 7.755926e+03, rel_obj = 9.147120e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 23
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 2.300749e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.477922e-02
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 2.523035e-01
Iter 005:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.428088e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 8.956817e+03, rel_obj = 9.528187e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 21
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 2.465826e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.363729e-02
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 2.001132e-01
Iter 006:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.552437e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.004076e+04, rel_obj = 9.638438e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 20
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 2.671092e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 7.624455e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.432226e-01
Iter 007:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.632181e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.091914e+04, rel_obj = 9.095044e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 19
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 2.870515e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 8.605576e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 9.122122e-02
Iter 008:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.681470e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.159215e+04, rel_obj = 9.375659e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 18
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.031448e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 8.413579e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 5.268656e-02
Iter 009:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.710353e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.209387e+04, rel_obj = 9.920883e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 17
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.149389e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 6.914191e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 4.447323e-02
Iter 010:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.724948e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.245361e+04, rel_obj = 8.709784e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 17
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.233605e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 4.865816e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 3.848879e-02
Iter 011:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.728121e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.271618e+04, rel_obj = 8.235714e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 17
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.295445e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.145487e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 3.291662e-02
Iter 012:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.725248e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.290795e+04, rel_obj = 7.548355e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 17
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.342877e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 2.040044e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 2.876481e-02
Iter 013:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.719806e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.305904e+04, rel_obj = 9.738840e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.380582e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 2.741311e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 2.537509e-02
Iter 014:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.715409e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.316667e+04, rel_obj = 9.181824e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.411063e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.533292e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 2.425611e-02
Iter 015:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.711153e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.325053e+04, rel_obj = 8.856728e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.435648e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.170500e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 2.099385e-02
Iter 016:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.707867e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.331725e+04, rel_obj = 8.498366e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.455382e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.012535e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.908216e-02
Iter 017:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.705508e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.337185e+04, rel_obj = 8.116760e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.471170e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 8.605663e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.755088e-02
Iter 018:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.704010e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.341767e+04, rel_obj = 7.866061e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.483797e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 7.345836e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.624759e-02
Iter 019:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.703163e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.345662e+04, rel_obj = 7.694277e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.493890e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 6.445896e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.514168e-02
Iter 020:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.702726e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.350039e+04, rel_obj = 9.891754e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.501966e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 2.856130e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.476054e-02
Iter 021:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.702552e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.352510e+04, rel_obj = 5.167799e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 16
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.508975e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.131017e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.652279e-02
Iter 022:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.701987e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.355700e+04, rel_obj = 9.928110e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.514000e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 2.967346e-03
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.413229e-02
Iter 023:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.702636e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.358252e+04, rel_obj = 9.787855e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.518744e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 9.947901e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.479076e-02
Iter 024:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.703404e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.360516e+04, rel_obj = 9.977004e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.522381e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 5.606141e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.245205e-02
Iter 025:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.704116e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.362645e+04, rel_obj = 9.813362e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.525130e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 4.896847e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.162017e-02
Iter 026:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.704768e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.364620e+04, rel_obj = 9.644979e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.527261e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 4.337014e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.105698e-02
Iter 027:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.705340e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.366459e+04, rel_obj = 9.489951e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.528972e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.857721e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.056054e-02
Iter 028:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.705892e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.368175e+04, rel_obj = 9.452538e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.530380e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.512476e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 1.011294e-02
Iter 029:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.706422e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.369790e+04, rel_obj = 9.500117e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.531558e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.248535e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 9.712679e-03
Iter 030:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 1.706903e+03, REL_OB, iter = 2
  Prox_TV: obj = 1.371335e+04, rel_obj = 9.496767e-04, TOL_EPS, iter = 15
  prox_L2: ||w (A x- y) ||_2^2 = 3.532564e+04, REL_OB, iter = 1
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.004735e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 9.347693e-03

   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.004735e-04
   Relative norm of the dual variables: 9.347693e-03
 30 iterations
 Stopping criterion: MAX_IT


P. Combettes and J. Pesquet. Proximal splitting methods in signal processing. Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, pages 185--212, 2011.