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GSP_DEMO - Tutorial on the GSPBox

Program code:

%GSP_DEMO Tutorial on the GSPBox
%   In this demo, we are going to show the basic operations of the GSPBox.
%   To lauch the toolbox, just go into the repository where the GSPBox was
%   extracted and type:
%           gsp_start;
%   A banner will popup telling you that everything happens correctly. To
%   speedup some processing, you might want to compile some mexfile. Refer
%   to GSP_MAKE for more informations. However, if the compilation is not
%   working on your computer, keep quiet, everything should still work and
%   most of the routine are implemented only in matlab.
%   Most likely, the first thing you would like to do is to create a graph.
%   To do so, you only need the adjacendy or the weight matrix W. Once
%   you have it, you can construct a graph using:
%           G = gsp_graph(W);
%   This function will create a full structure ready to be used with the
%   toolbox. To know a bit more about what is in this structure, you can
%   refer to the help of the function GSP_GRAPH_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS.
%   The GSPBox contains also a list of graph generators. To see a full list
%   of these graphs, type:
%           help graphs
%   For this demo, we will use the graph GSP_LOGO. You can load it
%   using:
%           G = gsp_logo
%   Here observe the attribute of the structure G. 
%    G.W*: Weight matrix 
%    G.A*: Adacency matrix 
%    G.N*: Number of nodes 
%    G.type*: Type of graph 
%    G.directed*: 1 if the graph is directed, 0 if not
%    G.lap_type*: Laplacian type 
%    G.d*: Degree vector 
%    G.Ne*: Number of edges
%    G.coords*: Coordinates of the vertices
%    G.plotting*: Plotting parameters 
%   In the folder 'plotting', the GSPBox contains some plotting routine.
%   For instance, we can plot a graph using:
%           gsp_plot_graph(G);
%   Figure 1: GSP graph
%      This figure shows the result of the command 'gsp_plot_graph(G)'
%   Wonderful! Isn't it? Now, let us start to analyse this graph. To compute
%   graph Fourier transform or exact graph filtering, you need to
%   precompute the Fourier basis of the graph. This operation could be
%   relatively long since it involves a full diagonalization of the
%   Laplacian. Don't worry, you do not need to perform this operation to
%   filter signals on graph. The fourier basis is computed by:
%           G = gsp_compute_fourier_basis(G);
%   The function GSP_COMPUTE_FOURIER_BASIS add two new fields to the
%   structure G*:
%    G.U*: The eigenvectors of the Fourier basis
%    G.e*: The eigenvalues
%   The fourier eigenvectors does look like a sinusoide on the graph. Let's
%   plot the second and the third ones. (The first one is constant!):
%           gsp_plot_signal(G,G.U(:,2));
%           title('Second eigenvector')
%           subplot(212)
%           gsp_plot_signal(G,G.U(:,3));
%           title('Third eigenvector')
%   Figure 2: Eigenvectors
%   Now, we are going to show a basic filtering operation. Filters are usually
%   defined in the spectral domain. To define the following filter
%        h(x) = 1/(1+tau*x),
%   just write in Matlab:
%           tau = 1;
%           h = @(x) 1./(1+tau*x);
%   Hint: You can define filterbank using cell array!
%   Let's display this filter:
%           gsp_plot_filter(G,h);
%   Figure 3: Low pass filter $h$
%      The filter h is plotted along all the spectrum of the graph.
%      The black cross are the eigenvalues of the Laplacian. They are the
%      points where the continuous filter will be evaluated to create a
%      discrete filter.
%   To apply the filter to a given signal, you only need to run a single
%   function:
%           % Create a signal
%           f = zeros(G.N,1);
%           f( = -1;
%           f( = 1;
%           f( = -0.5;
%           f = f + 0.3*randn(G.N,1);
%           % Remove the noise
%           f2 = gsp_filter(G,h,f);
%   gsp_filter is actually a shortcut to GSP_FILTER_ANALYSIS.
%   gsp_filter_analysis performs the analysis operator associated to a
%   filterbank. See the GSP_DEMO_WAVELET for more information.
%   Finnaly, we display the result of this low pass filtering on the graph:
%           figure;
%           subplot(211)
%           gsp_plot_signal(G,f);
%           title('Signal with noise')
%           subplot(212)
%           gsp_plot_signal(G,f2);
%           title('Signal denoised');
%   Figure 4: Result of filtering
%      The noise is largely removed thanks to the filter. However, some
%      energy is diffused between the letters. This is the typical
%      behaviour of a low pass filter.
%   Enjoy the GSPBOX !
%   Url:

% Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Nathanael Perraudin, Johan Paratte, David I Shuman.
% This file is part of GSPbox version 0.7.5
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program.  If not, see <>.

% If you use this toolbox please kindly cite
%     N. Perraudin, J. Paratte, D. Shuman, V. Kalofolias, P. Vandergheynst,
%     and D. K. Hammond. GSPBOX: A toolbox for signal processing on graphs.
%     ArXiv e-prints, Aug. 2014.

% Author: Nathanael Perraudin
% Date : 14 August 2014

close all;

G = gsp_logo;

% display the graph

%% Compute the Fourier basis

G = gsp_compute_fourier_basis(G);

% Display an eigenvector
title('Second eigenvector')
title('Third eigenvector')

%% Create a signal

f = zeros(G.N,1);
f( = -1;
f( = 1;
f( = -0.5;
f = f + 0.3*randn(G.N,1);

%% Define a low pass filter
tau = 1;
h = @(x) 1./(1+tau*x);

title('Filter h')

%% Perform the filtering operation
f2 = gsp_filter(G,h,f);
% f2 = gsp_filter_analysis(G,h,f);

% Display the result
title('Signal with noise')
title('Signal denoised');