%GSP_DEMO_LEARN_GRAPH Demonstration of learning a graph from data
% In this demo, we show how the graph learning can be used to learn a
% graph from smoothly changing signals. The theory behind the algorithm
% can be found in
% [1] V. Kalofolias, How to learn a graph from smooth signals, AISTATS
% 2016.
% [2] V. Kalofolias, N. Perraudin, Large Scale Graph Learning From Smooth Signals, ICLR
% 2019.
% Suppose that we have some 2 dimensional smooth functions:
% f1 = @(x,y) 20 (-sin((2-x-y).^2)/2 + cos(y*3));
% f2 = @(x,y) 30 cos((x+y).^2);
% f3 = @(x,y) 30 ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^3 + x - y);
% f4 = @(x,y) 50 sin(3*((x-.5).^2+(y-.5).^2));
% and we have uniform samples as features, displayed below:
% figure;
% subplot(2,2,1); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,1), '.');
% title('1st smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
% subplot(2,2,2); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,2), '.');
% title('2nd smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
% subplot(2,2,3); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,3), '.');
% title('3rd smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
% subplot(2,2,4); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,4), '.');
% title('4th smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
% Figure 1: Different signals
% We can compute the pairwise distances of the features and learn a graph
% using them:
% Z1 = gsp_distanz(X(:, 1)').^2;
% W1 = gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(Z1, 1.5, 1, params);
% The second parameter penalizes the formation of un-connected nodes, and
% the third penalizes the formation of too strong weights. We then clean
% any tiny edges (due to numerical error), to obtain a sparse weighted
% adjacency matrix. We feed this to GSP_GRAPH to create a graph with
% the given coordinates and weights:
% W1(W1<1e-5) = 0;
% G1 = gsp_graph(W1, [xc, yc]);
% We can also update the weights of an already existing graph using
% GSP_UPDATE_WEIGHTS. If we learn the graphs of all four above
% functions, we get quite different results:
% figure;
% subplot(2,2,1); gsp_plot_edges(G1, params_plot);
% title('graph learned from 1st smooth signal');
% subplot(2,2,2); gsp_plot_edges(G2, params_plot);
% title('graph learned from 2nd smooth signal');
% subplot(2,2,3); gsp_plot_edges(G3, params_plot);
% title('graph learned from 3rd smooth signal');
% subplot(2,2,4); gsp_plot_edges(G4, params_plot);
% title('graph learned from 4th smooth signal');
% Figure 2: Different graphs learned
% Note that the edges follow the level curves of the above functions.
% If we use all four above smooth functions as features to learn the
% graph:
% Z = gsp_distanz(X').^2;
% W = gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(Z/500, 2, 1, params);
% we get a result that has more local edges:
% params_plot.show_edges = 1;
% G.plotting.vertex_size = 5;
% figure; gsp_plot_graph(G, params_plot);
% title('Graph with edges learned from above 4 signals');
% Figure 3: Graph with edges learned from above 4 signals
% This is close to the graph that we would learn using the acutal
% coordinates as features. So why does it work so well? We can see that
% the pattern of the pairwise distances using these features is similar
% to the one of the pairwise geometric distances between nodes:
% figure;
% subplot(1, 2, 1);
% imagesc(gsp_distanz(X'));
% title('Geometric pairwise distances between nodes');
% subplot(1, 2, 2);
% imagesc(gsp_distanz([xc, yc]'));
% title('Pairwise distances computed from features');
% Figure 4: Geometric pairwise distances between nodes
% Figure 5: Pairwise distances computed from features
% The functions available for learning a graph are
% See also: gsp_learn_graph_l2_degrees gsp_demo_learn_graph_large
% References:
% V. Kalofolias. How to learn a graph from smooth signals. Technical
% report, AISTATS 2016: proceedings at Journal of Machine Learning
% Research (JMLR)., 2016.
% V. Kalofolias and N. Perraudin. Large scale graph learning from smooth
% signals. International Conference on Learning Representations, 2019.
% Url: https://epfl-lts2.github.io/gspbox-html/doc/demos/gsp_demo_learn_graph.html
% Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Nathanael Perraudin, Johan Paratte, David I Shuman.
% This file is part of GSPbox version 0.7.6
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% If you use this toolbox please kindly cite
% N. Perraudin, J. Paratte, D. Shuman, V. Kalofolias, P. Vandergheynst,
% and D. K. Hammond. GSPBOX: A toolbox for signal processing on graphs.
% ArXiv e-prints, Aug. 2014.
% http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.5781
%% Initialization
method = 1; %1 = logarithmic prior, 2 = L-2 prior
n = 100;
%% Sample space and define smooth signals
% we sample [0,1]^2 uniformly
coords = sortrows(rand(n, 2));
xc = coords(:, 1);
yc = coords(:, 2);
% these functions change smoothly on the 2D plane
f1 = @(x,y) 20 * (-sin((2-x-y).^2)/2 + cos(y*3));
f2 = @(x,y) 30 * cos((x+y).^2);
f3 = @(x,y) 30 * ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^3 + x - y);
f4 = @(x,y) 50 * sin(3*((x-.5).^2+(y-.5).^2));
% f1 = @(x,y) exp((-sin((2-x-y).^2)/2 + cos(y*3)))*50;
% f2 = @(x,y) exp(cos((x+y).^2))*80;
% f3 = @(x,y) exp((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^3 + x - y)*80;
% f4 = @(x,y) exp(sin(3*((x-.5).^2+(y-.5).^2)))*100;
%% The features are the values of the above smooth functions on our samples
X = [f1(xc, yc), f2(xc, yc), f3(xc, yc), f4(xc, yc)];
%% Plot signals
subplot(2,2,1); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,1), '.'); title('1st smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
subplot(2,2,2); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,2), '.'); title('2nd smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
subplot(2,2,3); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,3), '.'); title('3rd smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
subplot(2,2,4); scatter(xc, yc, 700, X(:,4), '.'); title('4th smooth signal'); axis off; colorbar;
params.maxit = 50000;
params.step_size = 0.1;
params.verbosity = 1;
params.tol = 1e-5;
if method == 1
s = sqrt(2*(n-1))/2 / 3;
s = 1/2/sqrt(2);
Z1 = gsp_distanz(X(:, 1)').^2;
if method == 1
W1 = gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(s*Z1, s*1.5, s*1, params);
% W1 = sqrt(1.5)*gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(Z1/sqrt(1.5), 1, 1, params);
W1 = gsp_learn_graph_l2_degrees(s*Z1, s*1.2, params);
W1(W1<1e-5) = 0;
G1 = gsp_graph(W1, [xc, yc]);
Z2 = gsp_distanz(X(:, 2)').^2;
if method == 1
W2 = gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(s*Z2, s*3, s*1, params);
W2 = gsp_learn_graph_l2_degrees(s*Z2, s*1, params);
W2(W2<1e-5) = 0;
G2 = gsp_graph(W2, [xc, yc]);
Z3 = gsp_distanz(X(:, 3)').^2;
if method == 1
W3 = gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(s*Z3, s*5.5, s*1, params);
W3 = gsp_learn_graph_l2_degrees(s*Z3, s*2, params);
W3(W3<1e-5) = 0;
G3 = gsp_graph(W3, [xc, yc]);
Z4 = gsp_distanz(X(:, 4)').^2;
if method == 1
W4 = gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(s*Z4, s*1.9, s*1, params);
W4 = gsp_learn_graph_l2_degrees(s*Z4, s*1, params);
W4(W4<1e-5) = 0;
G4 = gsp_graph(W4, [xc, yc]);
Z = gsp_distanz(X').^2;
if method == 1
W = gsp_learn_graph_log_degrees(s*Z/300, s*2, s*1, params);
W = gsp_learn_graph_l2_degrees(s*Z/300, s*1, params);
W(W<1e-5) = 0;
G = gsp_graph(W / sum(W(:)) * n, [xc, yc]);
% nnz(G0.W)
fprintf('Graph of signal 1: %d edges\n', nnz(W1)/2);
fprintf('Graph of signal 2: %d edges\n', nnz(W2)/2);
fprintf('Graph of signal 3: %d edges\n', nnz(W3)/2);
fprintf('Graph of signal 4: %d edges\n', nnz(W4)/2);
fprintf('Graph of all signals: %d edges\n', nnz(W)/2);
%% Plot individual graphs from each signal
params_plot.edge_size = 0;
% params_plot.show_edges = 0;
subplot(2,2,1); gsp_plot_edges(G1, params_plot); title('graph learned from 1st smooth signal'); ind = sum(G1.W>0)==0; hold on; scatter(xc(ind), yc(ind), 40, 'r');
subplot(2,2,2); gsp_plot_edges(G2, params_plot); title('graph learned from 2nd smooth signal'); ind = sum(G2.W>0)==0; hold on; scatter(xc(ind), yc(ind), 40, 'r');
subplot(2,2,3); gsp_plot_edges(G3, params_plot); title('graph learned from 3rd smooth signal'); ind = sum(G3.W>0)==0; hold on; scatter(xc(ind), yc(ind), 40, 'r');
subplot(2,2,4); gsp_plot_edges(G4, params_plot); title('graph learned from 4th smooth signal'); ind = sum(G4.W>0)==0; hold on; scatter(xc(ind), yc(ind), 40, 'r');
%% Plot graph from all signals
params_plot.edge_size = 1;
params_plot.show_edges = 1;
G.plotting.vertex_size = 5;
figure; gsp_plot_graph(G, params_plot); title('Graph with edges learned from above 4 signals');
hold on; ind = sum(G.W>0)==0; hold on; scatter(xc(ind), yc(ind), 40, 'r');
%% Why does it work so well?
figure; imagesc(gsp_distanz(X')); title('Geometric pairwise distances between nodes');
figure; imagesc(gsp_distanz([xc, yc]')); title('Pairwise distances computed from features');
% [dc2_sorted, ind_sorted] = sort(squareform(gsp_distanz([xc, yc]')), 'ascend');
% dx2 = squareform(gsp_distanz(X'));
% figure; plot(dc2_sorted/sum(dc2_sorted)); hold on; plot(dx2(ind_sorted)/sum(dx2));
% title('Sorted pairwise distances');
% legend('geometric distances', 'distances computed from features');
%% Other choices of smooth functions:
% f1 = @(x,y) (-sin((2-x-y).^2)/2 + cos(y*3))*50;
% f2 = @(x,y) cos((x+y).^2)*80;
% f3 = @(x,y) ((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^3 + x - y)*80;
% f4 = @(x,y) sin(3*((x-.5).^2+(y-.5).^2))*150;
% f1 = @(x,y) exp(2*((-sin((2-x-y).^2)/2 + cos(y*3))))*25;
% f2 = @(x,y) exp(2*(cos((x+y).^2)))*24;
% f3 = @(x,y) exp(2*((x-.5).^2 + (y-.5).^3 + x - y))*24;
% f4 = @(x,y) exp(2*(sin(3*((x-.5).^2+(y-.5).^2))))*30;