GSP_ADJ2VEC - Prepare the graph for the gradient computation
Program code:
function [G] = gsp_adj2vec(G)
%GSP_ADJ2VEC Prepare the graph for the gradient computation
% Usage: [G] = gsp_adj2vec(G)
% Input parameters:
% G : Graph structure
% Output parameters:
% G : Graph structure
% This function converts adjacency matrix to edge vector form. It also
% add the field G.D that is the sparse gradient matrix
% See also: gsp_grad gsp_div
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Nathanael Perraudin, David I Shuman.
% This file is part of GSPbox version 0.2.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Author: Nathanael Perraudin, Vassilis Kalofolias
% Date : 5 August 2014
% Testing: test_operators
if G.directed
error('GSP_ADJ2VEC: Not implemented yet');
% Keep each edge only once (they are duplicated!). Keep also loops.
[v_i, v_j, weights] = find(tril(G.W));
G.v_in = v_i;
G.v_out = v_j;
% the indices of the edges in the Adgacency matrix A:
G.ind_edges = sub2ind(size(G.W), G.v_in, G.v_out);
G.weights = weights; % |E| x 1
G.Ne = length(G.v_in);
G.Diff = gsp_grad_mat( G );
% Old code from Vasilis
% [v_i, v_j] = find(G.W);
% % Keep each edge only once (they are duplicated!). Keep also loops.
% ind_keep = (v_i >= v_j);
% G.v_in = v_i(ind_keep);
% G.v_out = v_j(ind_keep);
% % the indices of the edges in the Adgacency matrix A:
% G.ind_edges = sub2ind(size(G.W), G.v_in, G.v_out);
% G.weights = full(G.W(G.ind_edges)); % |E| x 1
% G.Ne = size(G.v_in);
% Old doc from Vassilis
% [v_i, v_j, weights, ind_e] = GRAPH_ADJ2VEC(A):
% Convert adjacency matrix to edge vector form.
% For a graph with |V| nodes and |E| edges we have:
% A: adjacency matrix |V| x |V|
% v_i, v_j: indices of the edges |E| x 1
% that is:
% there is an edge from vertex v_i(e) to node v_j(e) for all e \in E
% A: adjacency matrix with weights
% weights(e) = A( v_i(e), v_j(e) )
% = A( ind_e(e) )
% weights will contain all edges only once, i.e. will use only the triu
% part of the adjacency matrix. It also handles the loops (diagonal
% elements of A).
%see also: graph_grad, graph_div
% code author: Vassilis Kalofolias
% date: August 2013