GSP_KRON_REDUCTION - Compute the kron reduction
Program code:
function Gnew = gsp_kron_reduction( G,ind )
%GSP_KRON_REDUCTION Compute the kron reduction
% Usage: Gnew = gsp_kron_reduction( G,ind );
% Wnew = gsp_kron_reduction( W,ind );
% Input parameters:
% G : Graph structure or weight matrix
% ind : indices of the nodes to keep
% Output parameters:
% Gnew : New graph structure or weight matrix
% This function perform the Kron reduction of the weight matrix in the
% graph G, with boundary nodes labeled by ind. This function will
% create a new graph with a weight matrix Wnew that contain only boundary
% nodes and is computed as the Schur complement of the original matrix
% with respect to the selected indices.
% If a matrix is given, then a martrix is returned
% Example:
% N = 64;
% param.distribute = 1;
% param.Nc = 5;
% param.regular = 1;
% G = gsp_sensor(N,param);
% ind = 1:2:N;
% Gnew = gsp_kron_reduction( G,ind );
% figure;
% subplot(121)
% gsp_plot_graph(G);
% title('Original graph');
% subplot(122)
% gsp_plot_graph(Gnew);
% title('Kron reduction');
% References:
% F. Dorfler and F. Bullo. Kron reduction of graphs with applications to
% electrical networks. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE
% Transactions on, 60(1):150-163, 2013.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Nathanael Perraudin, David I Shuman.
% This file is part of GSPbox version 0.2.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Author: Nathanael Perraudin, Pierre Vandergheynst
% Date : 23 July 2014
% Testing: test_operators
if isstruct(G)
if ~strcmp(G.lap_type,'combinatorial')
error('Not implemented');
if G.directed
error('GSP_KRON_REDUCTION: this only work for undirected graphs.');
L = G.L;
L = G;
N = size(L,1);
ind_comp = setdiff(1:N,ind);
L_red = L(ind, ind);
L_in_out = L(ind, ind_comp);
L_out_in = L(ind_comp, ind);
L_comp = L(ind_comp, ind_comp);
Lnew = L_red - L_in_out * (L_comp \ L_out_in);
% Make the laplacian symetric if it is almost symetric!
if sum(sum(abs(Lnew-transpose(Lnew))))<eps*sum(sum(abs(Lnew)))
Lnew = (Lnew+transpose(Lnew))/2;
if isstruct(G)
% Suppress the diagonal ? This is a good question?
Wnew = diag(diag(Lnew)) - Lnew;
Snew = diag(Lnew) - transpose(sum(Wnew));
if norm(Snew)<eps(1000)
Snew = 0;
Wnew = Wnew + diag(Snew);
Gnew = gsp_copy_graph_attributes(G,0);
Gnew.plotting.limits = G.plotting.limits;
Gnew.coords = G.coords(ind,:);
Gnew.W = Wnew;
Gnew.type='Kron reduction';
Gnew = gsp_graph_default_parameters(Gnew);
Gnew = Lnew;