COMET_COHERENCE - Evolution of the coherence for the comet graph

Program code:

%COMET_COHERENCE Evolution of the coherence for the comet graph
%   This package contains the code to reproduce all the figures of the
%   paper: 
%   Global and Local Uncertainty Principles for Signals on Graphs
%   Authors: Nathanael Perraudin, Benjamin Ricaud, David I Shuman, Pierre
%   Vandergheynst 
%   ArXiv:
%   Abstract of the paper
%   ---------------------
%   Uncertainty principles such as Heisenberg's provide limits on the
%   time-frequency concentration of a signal, and constitute an important
%   theoretical tool for designing and evaluating linear signal transforms.
%   Generalizations of such principles to the graph setting can inform
%   dictionary design for graph signals, lead to algorithms for
%   reconstructing missing information from graph signals via sparse
%   representations, and yield new graph analysis tools. While previous
%   work has focused on generalizing notions of spreads of a graph signal
%   in the vertex and graph spectral domains, our approach is to generalize
%   the methods of Lieb in order to develop uncertainty principles that
%   provide limits on the concentration of the analysis coefficients of any
%   graph signal under a dictionary transform whose atoms are jointly
%   localized in the vertex and graph spectral domains. One challenge we
%   highlight is that due to the inhomogeneity of the underlying graph data
%   domain, the local structure in a single small region of the graph can
%   drastically affect the uncertainty bounds for signals concentrated in
%   different regions of the graph, limiting the information provided by
%   global uncertainty principles. Accordingly, we suggest a new way to
%   incorporate a notion of locality, and develop local uncertainty
%   principles that bound the concentration of the analysis coefficients of
%   each atom of a localized graph spectral filter frame in terms of
%   quantities that depend on the local structure of the graph around the
%   center vertex of the given atom. Finally, we demonstrate how our
%   proposed local uncertainty measures can improve the random sampling of
%   graph signals.
%   This experiment
%   ---------------
%   In this example with investigate the Fourier coherence of comet graphs.
%   They are  composed of a star with k vertices connected to a center
%   vertex, and a single branch of length greater than one extending from
%   one neighbor of the center vertex (see Figure~1). If we fix the length
%   of the longer branch (it has length 10 in Figure 1), and increase k,
%   the number of neighbors of the center vertex, the graph Laplacian
%   eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue approaches a
%   Kronecker delta centered at the center vertex of the star. In this
%   configuration, some of the Laplacian eigenvectors become more
%   concentrated as the number of branches of the star increases, with a
%   shape tending to a Kronecker delta. As a consequence, the coherence
%   between the graph Fourier and the canonical bases approaches 1 as k
%   increases.
%   Figure 1: Two different star graphs
%   Figure 2: Coherence
%      Evolution of the graph Fourier coherence mu_{G} with respect to
%      k.
%   References:
%     N. Perraudin, R. Benjamin, S. David I, and P. Vandergheynst. Global and
%     local uncertainty principles for signals on graphs. arXiv preprint
%     arXiv:1603.03030, 2016.
%   Url:

% Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Nathanael Perraudin.
% This file is part of RRP version 0.2
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program.  If not, see <>.

%% Initialization

close all;

%% Plotparameter
global SAVE ; = SAVE;
paramplot.position = [100 100 300 200];
paramplot.savefig = 0;

%% Parameters

Nq = 10;
Ne = 2:50;

%% Do the computation

mu = zeros(length(Ne),1);

for ii = 1:length(Ne)
      G = gsp_comet(Nq+Ne(ii),Ne(ii));
      G = gsp_compute_fourier_basis(G);
      mu(ii) =;
      if ii==5
          h = title(['Comet graph with $k=',num2str(Ne(ii)),'$']);
      if ii==11
          h = title(['Comet graph with $k=',num2str(Ne(ii)),'$']);


%% Plot the results

h  = xlabel('k: degree of the node in the middle of the star');
ylabel('$\mu_{\mathcal{G}}$: coherence', 'interpreter','latex','FontSize',14)