DEMO_SOUND_RECONSTRUCTION - Sound time in painting demonstration


Here we solve a sound in-painting problem. The problem can be expressed as this

\begin{equation*} arg \min_x \|A G^* x-b\|^2 + \tau \| x \|_{1} \end{equation*}

where \(b\) is the signal at the non clipped part, \(A\) an operator representing the mask selecting the non clipped part of the signal and \(G^*\) is the Gabor synthesis operation

Here the general assumption is that the signal is sparse in the Gabor domain! The noiseless particular case of this problem can be epressed as

\begin{equation*} arg \min_x \| x \|_{1} \text{ s.t. } A G^* x=b \end{equation*}

Warning! Note that this demo requires the LTFAT toolbox to work.

We set

  • \(f_1(x)=||x||_{1}\) We define the prox of \(f_1\) as:

    \begin{equation*} prox_{f1,\gamma} (z) = arg \min_{x} \frac{1}{2} \|x-z\|_2^2 + \gamma \|z\|_{1} \end{equation*}
  • \(f_2(x)=||Ax-b||_2^2\) We define the gradient as:

    \begin{equation*} \nabla_f(x) = 2 * G A^*(AG^*x-b) \end{equation*}



Original spectrogram

This figure shows the original spectrogram.

Spectrogram of the depleted sound

This figure shows the spectrogram after the loss of the sample (We loos 75% of the samples.)

Spectrogram of the reconstructed sound

This figure shows the spectrogram of the reconstructed sound thanks to the algorithm.

This code produces the following output:

UnLocBoX version 1.7.3. Copyright 2012-2015 LTS2-EPFL, by Nathanael Perraudin
LTFAT version 2.2.0. Copyright 2005-2016 Peter L. Søndergaard. For help, please type "ltfathelp". LTFAT is using the MEX backend.
(Your global and persistent variables have just been cleared. Sorry.)
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
Algorithm selected: DOUGLAS_RACHFORD
Iter 001:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 7.298036e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.337704e-01
Iter 002:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 8.005235e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.185240e-01
Iter 003:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 7.090803e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.035527e-01
Iter 004:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 6.353862e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 8.699445e-02
Iter 005:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 5.834397e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 7.123742e-02
Iter 006:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 5.490156e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 5.719030e-02
Iter 007:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 5.268112e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 4.560000e-02
Iter 008:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 5.132364e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.594816e-02
Iter 009:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 5.051473e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 2.822411e-02
Iter 010:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 5.002683e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 2.248675e-02
Iter 011:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.971135e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.850960e-02
Iter 012:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.949818e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.560024e-02
Iter 013:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.935517e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.336083e-02
Iter 014:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.926459e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.147088e-02
Iter 015:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.920742e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 9.871468e-03
Iter 016:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.917532e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 8.451934e-03
Iter 017:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.916522e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 7.051521e-03
Iter 018:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.917005e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 5.745020e-03
Iter 019:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.918552e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 4.463255e-03
Iter 020:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.920669e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 3.287866e-03
Iter 021:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.922773e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 2.400452e-03
Iter 022:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.924658e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.848699e-03
Iter 023:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.926359e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.496417e-03
Iter 024:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.927874e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.252986e-03
Iter 025:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.929294e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 1.076339e-03
Iter 026:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.930637e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 9.422458e-04
Iter 027:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.931887e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 8.305345e-04
Iter 028:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.933051e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 7.342962e-04
Iter 029:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.934097e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 6.486445e-04
Iter 030:     prox_L1: ||A x-y||_1 = 4.935062e+01, REL_OB, iter = 2
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec>@(x,T)Psi(Psit(x).*(1-Mask)+Mask.*sound_depleted)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>douglas_rachford_algorithm (line 34)
  In douglas_rachford_alg>@(x_0,fg,Fp,sol,s,param)douglas_rachford_algorithm(Fp,sol,s,param) (line 4)
  In solvep (line 210)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
   Relative norm of the primal variables: 5.766242e-04

   Relative norm of the primal variables: 5.766242e-04
 30 iterations
 Stopping criterion: MAX_IT

[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frsyn (line 34)
  In plotexec>@(x)frsyn(F,x)
  In plotexec (line 166)]
The SNR of the initial signal is 5.11872 dB
The SNR of the recovered (FB) signal is 28.5971 dB
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec (line 189)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec (line 193)]
[Warning: NARGCHK will be removed in a future release. Use NARGINCHK or
NARGOUTCHK instead.]
[> In fir2long (line 18)
  In gabtight (line 166)
  In comp_window (line 109)
  In gabwin (line 115)
  In frameaccel (line 75)
  In frana (line 48)
  In plotexec>@(x)frana(F,x)
  In plotexec (line 197)]


P. Combettes and J. Pesquet. A douglas--rachford splitting approach to nonsmooth convex variational signal recovery. Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of, 1(4):564--574, 2007.