%DEMO_SOUND_RECONSTRUCTION Sound time in painting demonstration
% Here we solve a sound in-painting problem. The problem can be
% expressed as this
% argmin_x ||A G^* x-b||^2 + tau * || x ||_1
% where b is the signal at the non clipped part, A an operator
% representing the mask selecting the non clipped part of the signal and
% G^ is the Gabor synthesis operation
% Here the general assumption is that the signal is sparse in the Gabor
% domain!
% The noiseless particular case of this problem can be epressed as
% argmin_x || x ||_1 s. t. A G^* x = b
% Warning! Note that this demo requires the LTFAT toolbox to work.
% We set
% f_1(x)=||x||_{1}
% We define the prox of f_1 as:
% prox_{f1,gamma} (z) = argmin_{x} 1/2 ||x-z||_2^2 + gamma ||z||_1
% f_2(x)=||Ax-b||_2^2
% We define the gradient as:
% grad_f(x) = 2 * G A^*( A G^*x - b )
% Results
% -------
% Figure 1: Original spectrogram
% This figure shows the original spectrogram.
% Figure 2: Spectrogram of the depleted sound
% This figure shows the spectrogram after the loss of the sample (We loos 75% of the samples.)
% Figure 3: Spectrogram of the reconstructed sound
% This figure shows the spectrogram of the reconstructed sound thanks to the algorithm.
% References:
% P. Combettes and J. Pesquet. A douglas--rachford splitting approach to
% nonsmooth convex variational signal recovery. Selected Topics in Signal
% Processing, IEEE Journal of, 1(4):564--574, 2007.
% Url: https://epfl-lts2.github.io/unlocbox-html/doc/demos/demo_sound_reconstruction.html
% Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Nathanael Perraudin.
% This file is part of UNLOCBOX version 1.7.4
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% Author: Nathanael Perraudin
% Date: sept 30 2011
%% Initialisation
close all;
% Loading toolbox
ltfatstart(); % start the ltfat toolbox
verbose = 2; % verbosity level
writefile=0; % writting wav sound
%% Defining the problem
% Original sound
[sound_original, Fs]=gspi();
sound_original = sound_original(1:2^18);
length_sig=length(sound_original); % Put a small number here if you want to proceed only a part a of the signal
% In oder to write the depleted sound somewhere
if writefile
Mask = rand(size(sound_part))>0.3;
% Depleted sound
sound_depleted = Mask.*sound_part;
sound_depleted(logical(1-Mask)) = randn(sum(1-Mask(:)),1)*mean(abs(sound_part(:)))/5;
if writefile
%% Setting proximal operators
tau = 1e-2; % regularization parameter for the problem
% select a gabor frame for a real signal with a Gaussian window
a=64; % size of the shift in time
M=256;% number of frequencies
% Get the framebounds
GB = M/a;
% Define the Frame operators
Psi = @(x) frana(F,x);
Psit = @(x) frsyn(F,x);
% setting the function f2 (l2 norm)
% f2.grad = @(x) 2*Psi(Mask.*(Mask.*(Psit(x)-sound_depleted)));
% f2.eval = @(x) norm(Mask.*Psit(x)-sound_depleted,'fro')^2;
% f2.beta = 2*GB^2;
% noiseless case
f2.prox = @(x,T) Psi( Psit(x) .* (1- Mask )+ Mask.* sound_depleted );
f2.eval = @(x) eps;
% setting the function f1 (l1 norm of the Gabor transform)
param_l1.verbose = verbose - 1;
f1.prox=@(x, T) prox_l1(x, T*tau, param_l1);
f1.eval=@(x) tau*norm(x,1);
%% solving the problem
% setting different parameters for the simulation
param.verbose = verbose; % display parameter
param.maxit = 30; % maximum iteration
param.tol = 10e-5; % tolerance to stop iterating
%param.do_ts = @(x) log_decreasing_ts(x, 10, 0.1, 80);
% Change the stopping criterion to avoid computing the objective function
% every iteration.
param.stopping_criterion = 'rel_norm_primal';
sol = Psit(solvep(Psi(sound_depleted),{f1,f2},param));
%% Evaluate the result
snr_in = snr(sound_part,sound_depleted);
snr_fin = snr(sound_part,sol);
fprintf('The SNR of the initial signal is %g dB \n',snr_in);
fprintf('The SNR of the recovered (FB) signal is %g dB \n',snr_fin);
% In order to write the restored sound somewhere
if writefile
title('Gabor transform of the original sound');
title('Gabor transform of the depleted sound');
title('Gabor transform of the reconstructed sound');